Saqqara Newsletter 17 (2019)

Saqqara Newsletter, vol. 17 (2019)
Happy New Year to all our Friends and followers!
We will send the newest issue of our Saqqara Newsletter to all Friends of Saqqara shortly after 6 January.
- From the Chairperson – Vincent Oeters
- Brief report of the Leiden-Turin Expedition to Saqqara (season 2019) – Paolo Del Vesco, Daniel Soliman, Lara Weiss;
- Tiny tombs at Saqqara: The subsidiary tombs of the First Dynasty – Geirr Lunden;
- Early Ramesside royalty at Rosetau – Tamás A. Bács;
From Maïa to Meritaten – Alain Zivie; - Immaterial data and material culture: Surveying and modelling the New Kingdom tombs of Saqqara – Corinna Rossi.