
Lustrum Edition Pub quiz by Friends of Saqqara

2018-08-29T05:32:52+01:00August 29th, 2018|Categories: News|

Wednesday evening 14 November 2018: lustrum edition of the “Enige Echte Egypte Pubquiz”, organized by Friends of Saqqara at the National Museum of Antiquities, as part of their 200th anniversary celebrations.

Who will win the coveted title ‘best Ancient Egypt connoisseur in the Low Countries’? Our pub quiz will test the contestants’ knowledge of Ancient Egypt through questions on art, history, archaeology, religion, literature and language – but also on famous museum objects, Egyptomania and the Saqqara necropolis. New this year: a crowd source round, with questions sent in by our public.
A pub quiz is not a pub quiz without drinks and nibbles. The museum’s Taffeh Hall is our pub for the evening, with consumptions available from the bar.
The scholarly soundness of the questions and answers is ensured by our expert jury. At the end of the evening, they will decide who wins the title and the honour. The three best teams, as well as the team to come in last, will receive prizes.

Quiz questions wanted!
New in our Egypt Pubquiz is the crowd source round. Have you got a clever Egypt pub quiz question that only you know the answer to? Mail your question to ! When the Quizmaster comes to your question, you will have an immediate advantage over your competitors.

What to submit?

· A multiple choice question related to ancient Egypt (archaeology, monuments, texts etc.), to Egyptology, excavators, explorers, or to modern (popular) culture containing ancient Egyptian elements.

· A relevant illustration, or possibly a sound fragment (if you don’t have an original in your possession, a reference to an online image, video or sound fragment will do).

· The correct answer, and optionally one or more (misleading) incorrect answers.
The organizers of the Egypt Pubquiz reserve the right to rephrase questions and answers submitted and chosen for the quiz. We are very excited to learn which obscure trivia you can come up with!

Event details
Date: Wednesday 14 November 2018
Time: 19.00-22.00 hrs
Location: National Museum of Antiquities, Rapenburg 28, Leiden
Language: Dutch
Entrance fee: €10 p.p., including one drink
Registration: via

Extra Lecture Ramadan Hussein

2018-11-29T11:20:56+01:00June 6th, 2018|Categories: News|

Since Ramadan Hussein will be in Leiden to speak at our Saqqara-Day we asked him if he would be willing to also present at Leiden University for staff and students. He kindly agreed to do so! His talk will be on:
New Philology and the Study of Egyptian Religious Texts
Students of ancient Egyptian religious literature have long adhered to research practices that constitute the core of the discipline of Philology. However, Philology itself underwent a serious methodological reevaluation as a result of criticism that was once called ‘the Crisis of Philology’. Therefore, newer textual research approaches were called for, forming what has been called ‘New Philology’. 
This lecture addresses briefly the status of Egyptological textual research in light of ideas generated in both traditional Philology and ‘New Philology’.


Location + Date/Time:
Lipsius 147 – Friday 15 June 2018, 17.00


Programma 16e Saqqara-dag, 16 juni 2018 (in Dutch)

2018-05-16T08:42:32+01:00May 14th, 2018|Categories: News|

Zaterdag 16 juni 2018
Lipsius-gebouw (Universiteit Leiden)
Cleveringaplaats 1

09:00-09.45u Inschrijving en ontvangst met koffie/thee
09.45-10.00u Opening 16e Saqqara-dag door de voorzitter van Friends of Saqqara Vincent Oeters


10.00-10.45u The Saqqara Saite Tombs Project: Recent Discoveries (Engelstalig) Ramadan Hussein
10.45-11.15u Pauze met koffie/thee
11.15-12.00u Facebook voor het hiernamaals: Netwerken van elitegraven in het Oude Rijk Nicky van de Beek
12.00-14.00u Lunchpauze (op eigen gelegenheid)
14.00-14.15u Korte presentatie Willem Hovestreydt
14.15-14.30u Opnieuw een kleine ibis-surpise Rob Demarée
14.30-14.45u Een corpus van reliëfs uit Memphis: Nieuws uit het archief van Geoffrey T. Martin Nico Staring
14.45-15.15u Pauze met koffie/thee
15.15-16.15u Verslag van het opgravingsseizoen 2018 in Saqqara door de opgravingsleiders Lara Weiss
16.15-16.30u Loterijtrekking
16.30-18.00u Afsluitende borrel
vanaf 18.00u Diner in restaurant Verboden Toegang (optioneel)


Donateurs gratis, studenten € 5, anderen € 10 entree (incl. koffie en thee, excl. lunch en diner).

Deelname aan het aansluitende diner in restaurant Verboden Toegang kost ca. € 25 à € 30 (à la carte).

Verdiep uw kennis van het oude Egypte, leer meer over de begraafplaats Saqqara, ontmoet de wetenschappers die er werkzaam zijn èn uw mede-geïnteresseerden, sla uw slag op de tweedehands boekenmarkt, doe mee met een spannende loterij en geniet samen met ons van een afsluitend diner. Mis het niet!

Aanmelden kan tot en met woensdag 13 juni.

Save the Dates!

2018-04-03T15:09:47+01:00March 20th, 2018|Categories: News|

Please save the following two dates in your agenda for our annual events:

16 June 2018 – Sixteenth Saqqara-day

14 November 2018 – Fifth Pubquiz

This year we will organize the fifth edition of our Pubquiz!

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