Saqqara Newsletter 17 (2019)
Happy New Year to all our Friends and followers!
We will send the newest issue of our Saqqara Newsletter to all Friends of Saqqara shortly after 6 January.
- From the Chairperson – Vincent Oeters
- Brief report of the Leiden-Turin Expedition to Saqqara (season 2019) – Paolo Del Vesco, Daniel Soliman, Lara Weiss;
- Tiny tombs at Saqqara: The subsidiary tombs of the First Dynasty – Geirr Lunden;
- Early Ramesside royalty at Rosetau – Tamás A. Bács;
From Maïa to Meritaten – Alain Zivie; - Immaterial data and material culture: Surveying and modelling the New Kingdom tombs of Saqqara – Corinna Rossi.