Obituary Willem Beex
It is with great sadness that we announce the unexpected passing of Willem Beex (age 56), the former surveyor of the Leiden Mission at Saqqara, on Saturday 26 January 2019.
Willem Beex
* Eindhoven, 25 July 1962
† Amsterdam, 26 January 2019
Willem studied art history, archaeology and prehistory at Groningen and Amsterdam University and worked on various excavations in the Netherlands and in Italy. He worked with an archaeological service on sites in the north of the Netherlands from 2001-2003 and he was a self-employed archaeological consultant since 2003.
Willem joined the Saqqara expedition from 2000 till 2009 and introduced modern surveying techniques involving computer-aided design. He was responsible for making the plans, sections, and reconstructions of the tombs and structures found during these fruitful years.
Willem will be missed by his mother, family, friends and colleagues.